Import data from older versions

The new version provides an integrated tool that allows to import data from older nodeshot versions (0.9.x).


this tool is a work in progress, please report any bug in our Mailing List.

Internal dependencies

For the oldimporter module to work, the following apps must be listed in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:

  • nodeshot.core.nodes
  • nodeshot.core.layers
  • nodeshot.networking.links

By default these apps are included in nodeshot.conf.settings so you won’t need to do anything.

Install database drivers

Most production installations of old nodeshot versions used MySQL (development quick install were done with SQlite).

Because these drivers are not installed by default with the default install procedure, you will have to install them now.

For MySQL you can do:

sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev

workon nodeshot  # activate virtualenv
pip install MySQL-python

Enable in

Uncomment the following section in and tweak the settings ENGINE, NAME, USER, PASSWORD, HOST and PORT according to your configuration:

# Import data from older versions
# More info about this feature here:
#'old_nodeshot': {
#    'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
#    'NAME': 'nodeshot',
#    'USER': 'user',
#    'PASSWORD': 'password',
#    'OPTIONS': {
#           "init_command": "SET storage_engine=INNODB",
#    },
#    'HOST': '',
#    'PORT': '',

And set NODESHOT_OLDIMPORTER_DEFAULT_LAYER (object id/primary key) to your default layer:


Replace <id> with the id of your default layer.

If you followed exactly the instructions in this document you can leave the default NODESHOT_OLDIMPORTER_STATUS_MAPPING setting unchanged.


Due to some major differences between the old and the new version some manual preparation needs to be done.

1. Ensure your old database is reachable

In order for the oldimporter to work it musts be able to connect to the remote old database.

If your old database is MySQL or PostgreSQL you should tweak its configuration to allow connections from the IP/hostname where the new version of nodeshot is installed.

If your old database is Sqlite you can just copy the file to the new machine.

2. Create Layers

Then ensure you have some layers defined in your admin interface. Open the browser and go to /admin/layers/layer (or follow the links from the admin index), if you see any layer defined, you are ready to proceed, if not you should create one or more layers.

If you specify the area of each layer, the importer will be able to insert the old nodes into the right layer. It’s a good thing to do it!

If you don’t want to lose any node, you should create a default layer in which the script will automatically put all those old nodes which have coordinates that are not comprised in any of your newly created layers.

If no default layer is specified the nodes which have coordinates not comprised in any layer will be discarded.

Import data


The first import should start with a clean database

First of all, enable your python-virtualenv if you haven’t already:

workon nodeshot

Ready? Go!:

python import_old_nodeshot

If you want to see what the importer is doing behind the scenes raise the verbosity level:

python import_old_nodeshot --verbosity=2

If you want to save the output for later inspection try this:

python import_old_nodeshot --verbosity=2 | tee import_result.txt

Wait for the importer to import your data, when it finishes it will ask you if you are satisfied with the results or not, if you enter “No” the importer will delete all the imported records.

If the importer runs into an uncaught exception it will automatically delete all the imported data.

If you get such an error notify us and we’ll try to fix it.

In case you don’t want the importer data to be deleted you can use the --nodelete option.

Command options

  • --verbosity: verbosity level, can be 0 (no output), 1 (default), 2 (verbose), 3 (very verbose)
  • --noinput: suppress all user prompts
  • --nodelete: do not delete imported data in case of errors

Periodic sync

You can run the importer periodically and it will try to import new data.

This process can be handy while you test the new version but before you launch your service to your audience we advise to reset everything and run the importer again on a clean database.

It is better to specify the --nodelete option in order to avoid automatic deletion of data in case of errros:

python import_old_nodeshot --nodelete

To automate the periodic import add the following dictionary in your CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE setting:


    # ...

    'import_old_nodeshot': {
       'task': 'nodeshot.interop.oldimporter.tasks.import_old_nodeshot',
       'schedule': timedelta(hours=12),
       # pass --noinput and --nodelete options
       'kwargs': { 'noinput': True, 'nodelete': True }

    # ...


This assumes that celery and celerybeat are configured and running correctly.

Deactivate oldimporter

When you are finished using the oldimporter module you can disable it by commenting the DATABASES['old_nodeshot'] setting.

How does the importer work?

Let’s explain some technical details, the flow can be divided in 7 steps.

1. Retrieve all nodes

The first thing the script will do is to retrieve all the nodes from the old database and convert the queryset in a python list that will be used in the next steps.

2. Extract user data from nodes

Since in old nodeshot there are no users but each node contains data such as name, email, and stuff like that, the script will create user accounts:

  • loop over nodes and extract a list of unique emails
  • each unique email will be a new user in the new database
  • each new user will have a random password set
  • save users, email addresses

3. Import nodes

  • USER: assign owner (the link is the email)
  • LAYER: assign layer (layers must be created by hand first!):
    1. if node has coordinates comprised in a specified layer choose that
    2. if node has coordinates comprised in more than one layer prompt the user which one to choose
    3. if node does not have coordinates comprised in any layer:
      1. use default layer if specified (configured in settings)
      2. discard the node if no default layer specified
  • STATUS: assign status depending on configuration:
    settings.NODESHOT_OLDIMPORTER_STATUS_MAPPING must be a dictionary in which the key is the old status value while the value is the new status value if settings.NODESHOT_OLDIMPORTER_STATUS_MAPPING is False the default status will be used
  • HOSTPOT: if status is hotspot or active and hotspot add this info in the HSTORE data field

4. Import devices

In this step the script will import devices and create any missing routing protocol.

5. Import interfaces, ip addresses, vaps

In this step the script will import all interfaces, ip addresses and other detailed device info.

7. Import Contacts

In this step the script will import the contact logs.