
nodeshot.core.layers is a django-app that enables nodeshot to group nodes in layers.

A layer may have a geographic area and an organization in charge of it.

The area field is required and can be either a polygon or a point. If a polygon is used, its nodes will have to be contained in it and its center will be calculated automatically; otherwise, if a point is used its nodes will be allowed to be located anywhere and the point will be considered its center.

Available settings

nodeshot.core.layers is enabled by default in nodeshot.conf.settings.INSTALLED_APPS.

These are the available customizable settings:



default: None

custom django-hstore schema to add new fields on the Layer model and API.

The following example will add a category field with a select of 3 choices:


        'name': 'category',
        'class': 'CharField',
        'kwargs': {
            'max_length': 128,
            'choices': [
                ('category1', 'Category 1'),
                ('category2', 'Category 2'),
                ('category3', 'Category 3')
            'default': 'category1'

Consult the django-hstore documentation for more information (look for schema mode).


default: 0

Default value for the field nodes_minimum_distance on the Layer model.


default: True

Indicates whether the Layer model can revert changes saved in the history by using django-reversion.


default: True

Indicates whether the “Extended text” field of the Layer model allows HTML or not.

If True a WYSIWYG editor will be used in the admin site.